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Motherhood is an unexplainable sensation that can turn any mom into an instant superwoman or the devil dancing in the kitchen within minutes thereafter. It is a rollercoaster of emotions and leaves us to sometimes wonder how we cope.


As mothers we tend to forget about ourselves in raising our child/children. We become stuck in what the world perceive mothers should be. Without realising it, we can easily forget about ourselves in trying to provide our children the best life we can.


As a single mother of a vibrant 5 year old boy, I know this all too well. I became so stuck in trying to give my son the best of the best that I forgot about me. Ironically, someone challenged me this week to focus on my beauty for a change. He was right. As a lifestyle photographer, I tend to become so focussed in capturing everyone else’s beauty, I forget about my own.


As mothers we must take a minute to embrace our own beauty every once in a while. As mother’s day is soon approaching, I was immediately encouraged to celebrate motherhood! So why not take the challenge with me and get in front of the camera. Capture your radiant smile. That smile that hides sleepless nights and worries about tomorrow.  And when you see the results in a photo, you will realise how radiantly beautiful you really are!

Celeste & Son

Celebrating Motherhood

The next generation

We were very lucky to have spent the day with the kids at Montessori Carnegie House Paarl recently!!!


The School is located in central Paarl with approximately 50 children. Headed up by Principal Larne, discipline, professionalism and friendly smiles were the order of the day. 


Parents were invited to their Open day on 22 April 2016. Parents had the opportunity to see their children in the classroom as they work. 


It was quite evident how well the kids have adapted the Montessori philosophy. They work independently and is allowed to creatively apply their own initiative when completing tasks.

Teachers and assistants are present just to guide and provide assistance if and when required. The children are taught (not just) educational theory but also behavioural skills which will help them as adults.


A little corner which appeared like a mini kitchen is readily available with pieces of bread, cutlery, crockery, butter and jam. The kids are allowed to prepare their own sandwich and clean up when they are done. Healthy eating is encouraged and hygiene is on point. Children can help themselves with jugs of water provided in the classroom. They are also encouraged to wash their hands after each work task has been completed.


The parental satisfaction was in abundance. Smiles all round as parents could see how well their children are taken care of. And what better feeling as a parent to know that when you leave your child in the educator’s hands, they are well taken care of.


Our kids are our future. And with the Montessori philosophy, we can indeed look forward to a well-disciplined, educated and confident generation in years to come!

Celeste & Son

Moms are special celebration

Montessori Carnegie House Paarl put together a very special concert to celebrate Mothers Day on the 9th of May 2016.


Well done to Principal Larne and the rest of the team at the school who made sure the kids perform a sterling show to show their moms lots of love. 


Celeste & Son

Passionately driven performing artist, Andrew April planned and hosted this show to give vibrant, upcoming talented youngsters the platform to showcase their talent!! 


In addition to the show, Andrew recently created a Facebook Page : Undiscovered Talent - in which he provides a platform for local talented artists. This platform will allow them to express themselves, perform and to continue to grow even more.

Celeste & Son

Undiscovered Talent - Paarl & Wellington

MC : John Koopman

MC : John Koopman

Phox Dance Academy

Marne & Andrew

Brandon & Andrew

Andrew April

Brandon & Andrew

Carrey Muller

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