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Why every woman should do a photo shoot

Let’s be real, us ladies barely have the time to really appreciate ourselves and stroke our egos.  

When was the last time you had a physical, printed photo of yourself?!  Exactly.  

So many times, I personally find myself behind the lens. So I decided to showcase my photos and a few reasons I think every woman should do a photo shoot:

1) You deserve some attention

2) Because being creative for a day can be therapeutic.

3) You'll try new poses you've never done before,

accentuating your natural form and sexy curves.

And who doesn't love feeling sexy?

4) You can incorporate the things you love into the shoot, like hobbies and favourite things like high heels (a girl's best friend)

5) You can document your pregnancy in a cute and beautiful way

6) Your self-esteem and confidence gets a boost

Like most girls, I’ve always been drawn to beautiful things – a piece of jewellery, a show stopping lipstick by MAC, killer stiletto heels, a well decorated home, a breath taking view or gorgeous sunset. Lately, I’ve been reminded that beauty has a larger purpose than what we often take it for.


Beauty is something or someone stunning to gaze at and admire for a moment, but something deeper. I have learned to embrace inner beauty. And that is what I love about photography. It doesn’t just capture the outer beauty; it can capture the true essence of a woman. Her every flaw, that smile, that look in her eyes, that cute dimple…


A portrait photo shoot of a woman really encompasses all of the ingredients you need to boost your confidence and fall in love with yourself all over again!  

(Note: Photography by Mel Photography)

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